Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Addiction and Me

I know Facebook never makes things easy but did you know you can HIDE people from your news-feed? You can even DE-FRIEND OR completely BLOCK someone! It's genius! Stops people like me bothering you all the time! :D

Yes - I'm an addict. To many things. Facebook is one of the less destructive ones. But if my constant sharing, openness or dogs offend you then feel free to take one of the above actions. You'll be helping me as well in a roundabout kind of way.

See not all my "friends" know all the ins and outs of my addictions - and neither do I at the moment - so I understand that when you say I'm addicted to Facebook, you are merely passing comment or maybe even showing some vague concern as a "friend". Sadly it's deeper than that and, yes, it's quite sad so your concerns and wishes about me getting out more are well received. If only it was as easy as that but this is a mobile world we live in now. It's no longer safe to "go out" like it used to be.

Of course the "mobile life" is an optional one and, indeed, one which we supposedly choose. Unfortunately an enormous number of my choices are based on ill-founded thought processes that will undoubtedly and irrelevant of rationality, justify my choice to satisfy an addiction. You're right: if I know I do this why don't I just change? Again an ingenius idea! Alas, my anxieties and addictions are my best friends - family almost - we certainly go back a long way! They were there supporting me without me even knowing it - helping me reach those decisions I found so difficult. They also rewarded me greatly so I never had to doubt them and would, always it seems, hold them close.

As you can probably see, this relationship isn't a positive one. It's quite abusive. I would go as far to say that my partners are actually quite controlling and bullying yet, at the same time, they are such a part of my life I don't know how I could live without them. The very thought of not having them there to support me when I'm unsure about something, when I'm worried or doubting myself, or not sure which way to turn, is crippling. Knowing that I need to get out of this relationship and actually getting out are two very different things. I need help and am trying to find it. Offering suggestions like "Get out and get a life" are graciously received and, believe me, I do have an outside life but, sadly, the answers aren't "out there"

I hope, for your sake, that one day I will be out of this relationship: that my anxieties and addictions will no longer be the crutch on which I make my way through life. That way I will no longer seek solace in Facebook, technology, spending, alcohol, nicotine, dogs, freshly ground coffee and any other consumer market of which I choose to be a member.

In the meantime, this is one relationship you can get out of. Instructions are below. If only all relationships were that simple.

Remember Today

Remember Today