Sunday, 1 May 2011

11 Days Off

I've never been one for creative writing, and, to be honest, I don't know what to write.
What I don't understand, however, is why people are in such a fuss about the Royal Wedding. In all honesty, in ten/twenty years nobody will remember it.
Don't get me wrong, the Royal Family is great, the money we gain from them and their heritage is invaluable, and the wedding was a good source of income. However, I have friends who went to London for 4 am to try and get a twenty second view from afar of some person who they'll never know. Essentially, its celebrity culture gone insane.
OK, mini rant over...

A May Day Mayday

This is the month that that ThisWasYesterday gets up and running! So much is happening at the moment that WILL be remembered in the future (Royal Wedding, Libya, Syria, Endeavour) which means there's even more happening that won't be recorded!

So this is a post to ask for help - call it a mayday on May Day - for anyone who would be interested in sharing their stories of everyday life with the future generation. Let's give the history that's writing itself an everyday context.

An easy start? What's your Royal Wedding story? Or not as the case may be!

This is open mic ... and an invite to step up ...

J x x

Remember Today

Remember Today