Saturday, 13 August 2011

"Patience" ft. Juniperus Chinensis and the WYSIWYG Tree

     Patience is apparently a virtue. It is something my CV boasts as a "strength" of mine. Professionally this may well be the case but in my personal life it is something that has always evaded me.
     Like many people, especially the younger people today, whatever it is I always want it and I always want it now. Some may say the recent events in England are the manifestation of a generation of people who live like this. Others would argue that there is simply no "long term" for them. I refrain from commenting as I am somewhat lacking in personal wisdom on patience and forward thinking.

     This week I have decided to start a new hobby to help me learn/develop/gain/practise* some "patience". With the acquisition of some "Juniper Chinensis" seeds, I have taken my first steps in the art of Bonsai. My first thoughts were of beautiful, miniature trees reflecting the beauty of nature in the outside world in my home. The reality trip was reading that this beauty would take upwards of 10 years to realise. I found myself thinking of the long term. I knew what I wanted but I still wanted it immediately. I knew that I could purchase a Bonsai tree that had already been nurtured, and have it immediately in front of me. This somehow didn't feel right. It didn't feel "true". I knew the satisfaction would not last. 
     It was at this point that I found some solace in the notion that 10 years of patient nurturing would not merely give me the pleasure promised by an already established and purchased WYSIWYG** tree. My satisfaction would not be from the tree itself, but the inner satisfaction of knowing that what I gain is borne from my mind, efforts, mistakes, learning, perseverance and commitment - and not that of somebody else.
     I was struck by the word "mistake" and how important this notion was to me. That I have absolutely no experience of growing Juniperus Chinensis (yet alone in miniature form) and will undoubtedly make mistakes is something that was pivitol in my decision making. It was here that my decision was made between skipping the mistakes and going straight for the end product or opting for something money cannot buy: self-respect.

The thing is I couldn't just go ahead and plant the seeds willy-nilly - I had to plan: to give myself a platform of basic knowledge from which I could build. So I read. I studied. Nothing much, of course, just enough to get to the next level (planting the seeds). And I'm glad I did. I realised I had to soak the seeds for 48 hours and then to cold stratify them for 3-4 months! As we speak, the seeds are wrapped up in small bags with a little Akadama soil and resting in the veg drawer of my fridge until November/December, when I'll be ready to take the next step.
     In that time, although it may seem there is "nothing" to do, I can continue to learn and also reflect on what I have done so far. I'm sure I'll read different perspectives on the best way to start a Bonsai tree - all of which may be equally as valid as the next. I may decide that I could have done things differently and there will be nothing stopping me from doing that next time. At the same time, I know that it's going to take time and I will not see whether this method has worked for another nine months - when the seeds germinate.

     Initially I'll have no control over its growth. My responsibility will lie in nurturing its early development until it grows to be something that I can work with. Then, and only then, will I be able to work and shape it into the form I desire: to use the wisdom and methods of the people who have mastered the art to represent my personality and perception of beauty through the tree.
     All of this will take years and I have no guarantee of what will happen nor what I will see before me later on in the process. But that is exactly what it is. A process. A process that cannot be bought over the counter. A process that nobody can do for me. A process that, by the time it has ended, will probably have new methods and approaches based on the new wisdom of today's learners.
     Without guarantees of an end product, some may think that it would just be easier to take somebody else's and enjoy it while it lasts. But I know that enjoyment will be short lived. I choose to learn and to make my own end product - warts and all. I choose patience and self-respect.

I'll keep you posted!

J x x x

* delete as you feel appropriate
** what you see is what you get

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

"A Short Film About Riots"

This is a video that found its way onto my newsfeed on Facebook this evening. It's quite long, but takes in some perspectives from people who were actually there and not just relying on the BBC for details. Well worth a watch.

This is not my film so I claim no credit for it. But would like to thank those that put the effort in to making it.

The whole country is waiting for so many answers. The thing is nobody knows what the questions are exactly. And nobody knows who has the answers. 


The Idiot List

This is why you leave it to the police! It's terrible that people have now been killed over all of this but seriously I'll hold back a certain amount of sympathy ... In a year's time when everything has moved on and rioters/looters are behind bars, will it have made a difference if they stood up or not?? No! Possessions aren't more important than life. Three more on the idiot list. Tragic they died.

(Click here for article)

I certainly don't think standing up to people who clearly have no moral compass is either safe nor heroic. Just read they were part of a massive group. No offence but police have clearly said to people stay awsy to stay safe. There are also idiots across the country standing and watching the looting happen.

Everybody agrees that looting and violence has no place in this society. That's why we have a justice system and a policing force in which we are all stakeholders. Obviously people want to make a stand for justice and unity but there are ways to do it.

It's idiotic the things that people do to gain material possessions they don't have. It's also idiotic what people will do to protect possessions that they do have.

What's really important and worth risking your freedom or even your life for?

That's what looters and defenders need to ask. I'm sure the families of all those taken from them by the justice system or tragically by death, will have some idea.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

11 Days Off

I've never been one for creative writing, and, to be honest, I don't know what to write.
What I don't understand, however, is why people are in such a fuss about the Royal Wedding. In all honesty, in ten/twenty years nobody will remember it.
Don't get me wrong, the Royal Family is great, the money we gain from them and their heritage is invaluable, and the wedding was a good source of income. However, I have friends who went to London for 4 am to try and get a twenty second view from afar of some person who they'll never know. Essentially, its celebrity culture gone insane.
OK, mini rant over...

A May Day Mayday

This is the month that that ThisWasYesterday gets up and running! So much is happening at the moment that WILL be remembered in the future (Royal Wedding, Libya, Syria, Endeavour) which means there's even more happening that won't be recorded!

So this is a post to ask for help - call it a mayday on May Day - for anyone who would be interested in sharing their stories of everyday life with the future generation. Let's give the history that's writing itself an everyday context.

An easy start? What's your Royal Wedding story? Or not as the case may be!

This is open mic ... and an invite to step up ...

J x x

Thursday, 3 March 2011


It's always difficult getting started with something that began before you got there. Picking up the ball, hitting the ground running [whatever you want to call it] is difficult if you want to carry on what has already been started while also applying your own signature without "changing" its nature. 

And so it is with this blog:  this story. It started 28 years ago when I was born and has continued continuously [how else could you continue?] with the passing of time. The tellers have continually changed from parents and family members initially to, more recently, friends and colleagues - yet the story has continued nonetheless. Photographs, letters, postcards and the occasional chin wag/gossip being their preferred tools.

Continuing in the same vein* [damn there's another one] this blog will continue the story through the voices of my friends,  family and, of course, myself albeit in digital form. Here, we will tell the stories that we want to be remembered. The things that have made us laugh. The things that have caught our attention as we drift through life.

So grab a cuppa and enjoy the read :)

Remember Today

Remember Today